Have you ever thought that, if your phone gets hacked, how much damage can it be? Everyone has the answer. Most people, they think that is like hacking, like breaking a lock of someone’s house and stealing it, he does not even go to that house. Is this possible? no, at all? Someone will have to go to that house.

Let’s assume, your phone is home and the hacker is a thief who wants to steal things from your house. But in this case, he will not come to your house, but you are going to give him your things, and you will not even know that you are giving someone your most important things(the things can, your information that he want to steal). You would be surprised to know that most of the big-breach starts with a very small mistake or a small leak of information. And this small mistake can be your mobile number or ID-card number or in any form, which can help hackers, and make you unsafe. 

 Many times you have to face calls or SMS, in which they tell you that you have won the lottery, so give your account number, so that we can transfer your funds. Actually, this is just a stunt to steal your information.

 The way to steal through fraudulent calls is now outdated. Hackers now try to steal your information via SMShing. They will send you a message that claims to be a big and respectable company, will send a link to it which will redirect you to the malicious website, you will fill up your personal information on this website. congratulations! you have successfully passed the first step of making yourself vulnerable.
 The point is, hacking is always done with the help of the victim. Yes, it sounds weird to hear, but the truth is sometimes weird too. 
 The most important thing to protect yourself from hacking or fraud is to never ignore malicious SMS or emails. Whenever you get an SMS or email it seems malicious, it could be. Never visit the link sent by them. And, if they call you, never give them what they want.